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Amazing selection and quality with a friendly smile and conversations to go with it. - Sarah R.



I really like having new recipes to try and try things I hadn't grown for myself or purchased at the store and being able to see other people in the community.  Some were people I had met before and some were new. Roxanne is kind, pleasant, and knowledgeable. It was a wonderful experience! - Melissa B.



The variety and quality of the produce is fantastic. I appreciate that you send an email a day or two before the drop off with recipe ideas. The price is also great for the amount of produce received. Supporting local is important to me and you have made that an easy and enjoyable experience. - Katherine J.



I love Maple Valley Farms CSA because the produce is fresh and pickup is quick and convenient. The owners are friendly and helpful, including recipes each week to help use up items included in that week's order. I would recommend using this service as it helps local farmers and you will know where your food is coming from! - Nadine W.



Healthy vegetables delivered with a smile! - Mike M.

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